Results found for commissioner stan deatherage | Eastern North Carolina Now

324 Results found for commissioner stan deatherage

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Beaufort County's Budgeting process begins with the Great and Annual Beaufort County Commissioner Retreat, where the Commissioners are told and shown and tasked to acknowledge just how much of the public's money is necessary to keep their government afloat.
Beaufort County's Budgeting process begins with the Great and Annual Beaufort County Commissioner Retreat, where the Commissioners are told and shown and tasked to acknowledge just how much of the public's money is necessary to keep their government afloat.
The Beaufort County Commissioners will get another bite at the patriotic apple, a fruit they far too often hold in great disdain, to pass this necessary resolution.
Imposter President Joseph R. Biden, America's First Idiot President, but America's second Non Patriot President, is the chronic, constant tool of the Marxists manning his administration, believes that the "Browning of America" is the harbinger to forever enact the destruction of our Republic.
Imposter President Joseph R. Biden, America's First Idiot President, but America's second Non Patriot President, is the chronic, constant tool of the Marxists manning his administration, believes that the "Browning of America" is the harbinger to forever enact the destruction of our Republic.
While the chairman of the Beaufort County Commissioners is certainly not "the captain of the ship", he should at least be capable of managing the conclusion of a contentious commissioners' general meeting, without storming off in a huff, unexcused.
While the chairman of the Beaufort County Commissioners is certainly not "the captain of the ship", he should at least be capable of managing the conclusion of a contentious commissioners' general meeting, without storming off in a huff, unexcused.
This resolution, if ratified, signifies that the Beaufort County Commissioners are committed to the proposition that the United States is Sovereign, its Immigration Laws are sacrosanct, and Human Trafficking is an evil that must end.
This resolution, if ratified, signifies that the Beaufort County Commissioners are committed to the proposition that the United States is Sovereign, its Immigration Laws are sacrosanct, and Human Trafficking is an evil that must end.
It was my vision, my words, North Carolina's problem, the general assembly's senate initiative, and our state's Democratic Governor's negligence in favor of political expediency, and Beaufort County's Commissioners just can't make a suitable stand to do what is right.
It was my vision, my words, North Carolina's problem, the general assembly's senate initiative, and our state's Democratic Governor's negligence in favor of political expediency, and Beaufort County's Commissioners just can't make a suitable stand to do what is right.
Who among us truly cares enough to reverse this malaise that I predict will continue to fester into our largest unwelcome worry for this new generation of children, rising up, if immediate action to remedy this impossible course of utter inaction is not reclaimed. from apathy?
Who among us truly cares enough to reverse this malaise that I predict will continue to fester into our largest unwelcome worry for this new generation of children, rising up, if immediate action to remedy this impossible course of utter inaction is not reclaimed. from apathy?
All politics are actually local. That is a real and relevant truth, which begs the question: Is all government local?
After nearly two years of resolutions representing a desired result to make Beaufort County citizens more safe in their government's buildings, this process is finally moving toward full fruition.
After nearly two years of resolutions representing a desired result to make Beaufort County citizens more safe in their government's buildings, this process is finally moving toward full fruition.
Amid vows of unity among deep divisions, the current Imposter President acknowledges his intolerant Democratic Socialist base over the nation he is elected to lead.
Amid vows of unity among deep divisions, the current Imposter President acknowledges his intolerant Democratic Socialist base over the nation he is elected to lead.
The resolution to allow conceal carry for Beaufort County employees in most government buildings finally passed after 4 bites of the apple to do so.
This Second Amendment issue has been overly discussed, with the two Democratic Socialist commissioners stating their nonsupport, and the nominal Republicans on our board requesting revisions, with even the Board's attorney electing to take a political position to support his constituency.
This Second Amendment issue has been overly discussed, with the two Democratic Socialist commissioners stating their nonsupport, and the nominal Republicans on our board requesting revisions, with even the Board's attorney electing to take a political position to support his constituency.
BCN's "What's Happening NOW" is thrilled, once again, to meet with Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson and discuss, with BCN publisher and County Commissioner Stan Deatherage, the business of Beaufort County's government.
BCN's "What's Happening NOW" is thrilled, once again, to meet with Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson and discuss, with BCN publisher and County Commissioner Stan Deatherage, the business of Beaufort County's government.
As a Commissioner for over 20 years now, I am finding that my junior commissioners really do not take their jobs at all seriously.
As a Commissioner for over 20 years now, I am finding that my junior commissioners really do not take their jobs at all seriously.
Resolution in Defense of Free and Fair, Constitutionally Conducted Elections in North Carolina and All of the United States of America's 50 States.
On November 12, 2020 at 6:30 pm, the Republican County Commissioners and County Commissioner-Elect Randy Walker, R, met as a caucus within the former county commissioner chambers at 121 West Third Street, Washington, North Carolina.
On November 12, 2020 at 6:30 pm, the Republican County Commissioners and County Commissioner-Elect Randy Walker, R, met as a caucus within the former county commissioner chambers at 121 West Third Street, Washington, North Carolina.
In an inestimable year of damage done to our Constitutional Republic by the politicization of Covid, and to the People and small businesses of North Carolina, who are damaged by the tyranny of bad governing by an Authoritarian executive branch, accountability must now reign.
In an inestimable year of damage done to our Constitutional Republic by the politicization of Covid, and to the People and small businesses of North Carolina, who are damaged by the tyranny of bad governing by an Authoritarian executive branch, accountability must now reign.
When we consider the importance of our First Amendment guaranteed Freedom of Speech, to speak truths as we know them, think as we see fit, and politically assert ourselves as we are called to do so, we all must be aware that this freedom could be easily be lost.
When we consider the importance of our First Amendment guaranteed Freedom of Speech, to speak truths as we know them, think as we see fit, and politically assert ourselves as we are called to do so, we all must be aware that this freedom could be easily be lost.
At the November, 2020 General Meeting, The Beaufort County Commissioners will be asked to support a well defined resolution, written by Commissioner Stan Deatherage, to support and defend the First Amendment, in particular the segment that guarantees "Freedom of Speech" and a "Free Press."
At the November, 2020 General Meeting, The Beaufort County Commissioners will be asked to support a well defined resolution, written by Commissioner Stan Deatherage, to support and defend the First Amendment, in particular the segment that guarantees "Freedom of Speech" and a "Free Press."
When the reports of the North Carolina State Board of Elections (SBE), working in concert with, and for a Democratic Socialist: state's attorney general, governor and plaintiff lawyer to subvert a Representative created general statute regarding elections, I did write this resolution.
When the reports of the North Carolina State Board of Elections (SBE), working in concert with, and for a Democratic Socialist: state's attorney general, governor and plaintiff lawyer to subvert a Representative created general statute regarding elections, I did write this resolution.
Beaufort County Commissioner Stan Deatherage submits a resolution for ratification to condemn lawlessness in America's Democratic Socialist governed cities, and the Resolution falls on "deaf ears".
Beaufort County Commissioner Stan Deatherage submits a resolution for ratification to condemn lawlessness in America's Democratic Socialist governed cities, and the Resolution falls on "deaf ears".
On Monday June, 8, 2020, Beaufort County's Commissioners met to finish the 2020 /2021 budget; make no cuts with a hastily constructed economic recession raging, and retained the .635 per 100 dollars evaluation as the ad valorem tax rate for Beaufort County tax payers.
On Monday June, 8, 2020, Beaufort County's Commissioners met to finish the 2020 /2021 budget; make no cuts with a hastily constructed economic recession raging, and retained the .635 per 100 dollars evaluation as the ad valorem tax rate for Beaufort County tax payers.
For a short while, at the most recent Beaufort County Commissioners Meeting - June 1, 2020, there appeared to be some degree of optimism that the small businesses of Beaufort County might get a much awaited, and much needed financial shot-in-the arm.
For a short while, at the most recent Beaufort County Commissioners Meeting - June 1, 2020, there appeared to be some degree of optimism that the small businesses of Beaufort County might get a much awaited, and much needed financial shot-in-the arm.
Commissioner Hood Richardson valiantly pitched the argument that Beaufort County should through off the shackles and chains of an Authoritarian governor and reopen its businesses that are arbitrarily deemed nonessential.
Commissioner Hood Richardson valiantly pitched the argument that Beaufort County should through off the shackles and chains of an Authoritarian governor and reopen its businesses that are arbitrarily deemed nonessential.
Beaufort County Commissioners Ignore the Second Amendment Rights of Beaufort County Employees
The largest accomplishment of the meeting was that the Beaufort County commissioners did prove that they could meet under extreme circumstances, and that they would meet again openly in May on multiple occasions.
The largest accomplishment of the meeting was that the Beaufort County commissioners did prove that they could meet under extreme circumstances, and that they would meet again openly in May on multiple occasions.
As the Beaufort County Commissioners defy the prudent concerns of some, and meet as per our body politic charter pursuant to the North Carolina general statute rgarding Open Meetings, I, as a commissioner, will have a very busy night.
As the Beaufort County Commissioners defy the prudent concerns of some, and meet as per our body politic charter pursuant to the North Carolina general statute rgarding Open Meetings, I, as a commissioner, will have a very busy night.
Resolution to Permit Concealed Carry for Beaufort County Government Employees in Most of Beaufort County Government's Buildings
Beaufort County's largest governing body - a body politic of the State of North Carolina - voted 5 to 2 to ask for the suspension of the Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump.
Beaufort County's largest governing body - a body politic of the State of North Carolina - voted 5 to 2 to ask for the suspension of the Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump.
Resolution Allowing Concealed Carry in All Beaufort County Buildings Save the Court House
This purpose of this post is to provide a list of all videos, in chronological order, of our evolving informational series - "What's Happening NOW".
This purpose of this post is to provide a list of all videos, in chronological order, of our evolving informational series - "What's Happening NOW".
Money is what we use to buy things. Wealth is the money we have remaining after we have paid for our living expenses.
Money is what we use to buy things. Wealth is the money we have remaining after we have paid for our living expenses.
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